

Tournament completed! Post an announcement to share updates to your community.



Registration closes at 7:45pm 27th April 2018 AEST (GMT+10)

Players must be in the Australian Anime Fighting Game Community Discord server during the tournament. Tune into the #netplay-pc channel. Sign up with the same name you'll use on that Discord.

Matches start at 8:00pm 27th April 2018 AEST (GMT+10)

The tournament is Round Robin. Matches consist of best-of-5 sets. Sets are best-of-3 rounds with a [default??] second time limit.

If there are 8+ participants, the format changes to Double Elimination and only top 3 play 5 sets.

To avoid lag, players must select the "Altar", "Colosseum Silent" or "Lessons" stages.

This rule may be ignored if both players in a match agree.

After matches, players report scores in Challonge or to HybriDefiant.

Other Rules and Arbitration (stuff I hopefully never have to go into)

  • Participants who don't attend their first match are disqualified 10 minutes after the tournament starts. No-shows are to be reported to HybriDefiant to be properly removed from the bracket.
  • Cheating results in disqualification and being banned from future events.
  • In the case of win disputes, replays are to be submitted to HybriDefiant for review.
  • Poor internet connection is grounds for a loss or disqualification. Participants with poor connection can be reported to HybriDefiant and they will judge if the connection is poor enough to warrant a loss. Repeated reports of poor connection can lead to disqualification.
  • Abuse is strictly not tolerated and should be reported to HybriDefiant. Perpetrators will be disqualified. Trash talk is okay but harassing someone after they ask you to stop isn't.
  • All other issues are resolved at HybriDefiant's discretion.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third












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