

Tournament completed!

Share the victory to your followers by giving a shout-out.


VOD here:

This is a newbie tournament. Please be considerate of other players when you join.

Players must be in the Australian Anime Fighting Game Community Discord server during the tournament as it will be organised in the #netplay-tourney channel. Sign up with the same name you'll use on that Discord.

Matches consist of best-of-3 sets. Sets are best-of-3 rounds with a 99 second time limit. The top 3 fight 5 sets instead of 3.

To avoid lag, players must select the "Altar", "Colosseum Silent" or "Old Gate" stages if your opponent requests so.

Report your match results in Challonge promptly.

You may not swap characters on a win. Please try to stick with one character throughout, so your opponent can learn the matchup and not have to learn new matchups every single game.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third





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